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Drug and Alcohol Treatment
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Aberdeen, Pinehurst, Southern Pines Treatment
Addiction Recovery
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Discover Pilgrims Progress safe house in Moore County for detox, treatment, and addiction recovery. Achieve lasting sobriety with our comprehensive programs and support. Take the first step towards a brighter future today. Our safe house offers a secure transition for clients from detox to treatment. Our loving and encouraging environment ensures that they have a safe place to stay until their treatment bed is available. Clients also have the opportunity to attend church services and 12-step meetings. Our ultimate goal is to provide everyone who comes to our house with a chance to experience a renewed life in Christ.


At the Pilgrim's Progress Safe House, we assist men who have completed detoxification and are ready to begin their journey of transformation. Our goal is to support them in living sober and mature lives, equipping them with the tools and skills they need to reintegrate into society and uphold Christian values. By working with these men before and after their treatment, we hope to reduce instances of substance abuse and crime in our community.

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About & Subscribe


At Pilgrim's Progress Safe House, we provide a safe and welcoming environment for men who are ready to embark on a journey of sobriety and personal growth. When you come to our facility, you can expect to find a team of friendly and dedicated staff members who will guide you every step of the way.


Our program includes access to 12-step meetings, which provide a supportive community of peers who are also committed to recovery. Additionally, we offer nutritious meals to nourish your body and provide a comfortable place to rest.


As part of our commitment to helping you achieve long-term success, we provide mentorship from experienced individuals who understand the challenges of overcoming addiction. Our team is also proud to offer F3 workouts, which are designed to promote physical health and wellness.


Overall, at Pilgrim's Progress Safe House, you can expect a comprehensive program that is tailored to your unique needs and goals. We believe that with the right support and guidance, you can rebuild your life and achieve lasting sobriety and purpose.

Support Our Mission: Donate to Pilgrim's Progress

We at Pilgrim's Progress, a 501C3 non-profit organization, are committed to providing valuable resources and insights to help people on their spiritual journey. However, we cannot do this alone. We rely on the generosity of our supporters to continue our mission.


If you have found our website helpful and informative, please consider making a donation to help us keep this valuable resource available to everyone. Your donation, no matter how small, will make a significant impact and help us reach more people with our message.


Thank you for your continued support and partnership in spreading the word of God.



Pilgrim's Progress Team



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